Tino Mazorodze Potrait

I’m Tino Mazorodze (AKA TechTinoe). I love programming and playing MMO Games.

I’ve loved exploring technology for as long as I can remember. When I turned 8 I got my first Computer and I instantly fell in love. I spent most of my time browsing on the internet and playing video games.

As i grew older as a computer lover by default I got into programming. I started with simple Visual Basic code at school then got bored and learnt Java as well as web development. Now I build a bunch of projects which are all open source on my github account. Hopefully someday one of these projects might turn into something big with the help of contributions from other programmers

If it hasn’t been clear enough then know that I am a total nerd 🤣 so my favourite video games are complicated and have quite a steep learning curve. Dota 2 is my number 1 favourite game. I play dota everyday and its been painful being stuck in Herald if you know what i mean. Apart from Dota I usually play simulators like Software Inc, Big Ambitions and Euro Trucks.

Right now I am an aspiring software engineering student at the University of Zimbabwe. I am yet to start my 4 year course but I will regularly post content on my blog and youtube channel along the way.
